Michael E. Steuer, CPA, P.A.
A CPA firm which knows you by name
IRS Representation Services:

Our Mission:


Our firm is dedicated to helping you through what is likely the most difficult time in your life. You see notices coming in from the IRS and feel you have absolutely no voice or control in your situation. You most likely feel threatened, and see all of your life's work & your family's assets at risk of seizure or levy.

Our clients are not bad people, but due to various life events have found them in a situation where they owe a significant balance to the IRS.

There are many CPA's and tax professionals who may offer to help you with your tax problem. However, I have heard many sad stories where national firms have charged thousands of dollars in fees, but have done absolutely nothing. Let us help you with your tax case.




How do we get started ?


The starting point to any case is an initial assessment and client meeting. It is at this meeting, we are able to determine what your situation is and facts and circumstances in your case.

It is vital that each client works with our staff in providing all of the necessary information to properly evaluate, review and resolve your tax problem.

When we meet, please bring to our office the following information

1) Tax Notices
2) Copies of current and past tax returns
3) Completed information worksheet, which we will give to you prior to our meeting.

There is no charge or obligation for you initial consultation.

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IRS Representation
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